1. Our Kimonos are vintage second hand items. As a result, they may exhibit blemishes, color fading or imperfections. We try to provide as much information as we can on the product descriptions. Therefore, we are not responsible if you notice a defect in your order that we have not noticed beforehand.

  2. Our kimonos come to you directly from Japan. Taxes and customs charges may sometimes apply upon receipt of your order. They are the responsibility of the buyer. We are in no way responsible for these costs over which we have no control. Please consider this possibility when making your purchase.

    Beware of fraud, do not pay customs fees on the internet, they are requested upon receipt of the package.

  3. We do not accept exchanges and refunds.

  4. Orders are sent within 5 working days and then generally take between 10 and 15 days to be delivered. So allow a total of 20 days from the date of purchase. In any case, we are not responsible for any postal delays. We remain at your disposal for any questions about your order.
