

It’s no secret how fast fashion is impacting the environment negatively. As an example, each year 4 millions tonnes of textile end up wasted, polluting at least 17% of our oceans.
(source: les échos, le Monde, Greenpeace)

Our kimonos are all genuine second hand. No additional resources have been used to make them (or at least recently). They are timeless garments you can keep throughout your life.

We know that shipping from Japan to customers abroad is not ideal and to minimise the impact of your purchase we make sure it comes with no nasty plastic.

This doesn’t mean we don’t protect and package it with care though! We ship in plastic-free 100% compostable and waterproof heropackaging meaning your kimono will be protected during in each step of its journey to you.

By adopting one of our kimonos, you are helping reducing waste in repurposing what the planet already offered, with the smallest possible impact.
